National Campaigning Groups

We’re building a generation-wide movement to solve the climate crisis.
We do this by educating, inspiring and mobilising young people across the country.
It is young Australians who will face the consequences of decisions made today. That’s why we have the vision that will deliver the short-term political impact and long-term cultural change needed for a safe climate future.
The AYCC is entirely youth-run. We represent more than 30 of Australia’s largest youth organisations and over 57,000 individual members.

Beyond Zero Emissions

Beyond Zero Emissions Inc. is a not-for-profit, volunteer run organisation.
Our core goal is to develop blueprints for the implementation of climate change solutions that will rapidly reduce emissions and give our society and global ecosystems a chance of surviving into the future. We also run broad-based education campaigns based on this research.
In partnership with the University of Melbourne Energy Research Institute we are undertaking the award-winning Zero Carbon Australia 2020 Project, which is putting together fully costed transition plans for getting Australia to zero emissions in ten years using commercially available technology.

Climate Action Network Australia
Climate Action Network Australia (CANA) is an alliance of over 65 regional, state and national environmental, health, community development, and research groups from throughout Australia (See our member area for a full list.) CANA was formed in 1998 to be the Australian branch of the global CAN network, with representative groups in over 70 nations.

Get Up
GetUp is an independent, grass-roots community advocacy organisation giving everyday Australians opportunities to get involved and hold politicians accountable on important issues.
Whether it is sending an email to a member of parliament, engaging with the media, attending an event or helping to get a television ad on the air, GetUp members take targeted, coordinated and strategic action.
GetUp does not back any particular party, but aims to build an accountable and progressive Australia – an Australia with economic fairness, social justice and environmental sustainability at its core.
GetUp is a not-for-profit organisation and receives no money from any political party or the government. We rely solely on funds and in-kind donations from the Australian public.

The eleven members of “POP-11”, which is presumably identical to the “Say Yes” group
Australia Conservation Foundation (ACF),
Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU),
Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC),
Climate Action Network Australia (CANA),
Environment Victoria (on behalf of Australia’s Conservation Councils),
Greenpeace Australia Pacific (Greenpeace),
The Climate Institute (TCI) and
World Wildlife Fund Australia (WWF).

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