State Legislation…

All this text below cheerfully cut and pasted from here...

The Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Act 2007 Open in new window made South Australia the first state in Australia to legislate targets to reduce greenhouse emissions.

The legislation sets out three targets:

* reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the state by at least 60% to an amount that is equal to or less than 40% of 1990 levels by 31 December 2050 as part of a national and international response to climate change
* increase the proportion of renewable electricity generated so it comprises at least 20% of electricity generated in the state by 31 December 2014
* increase the proportion of renewable electricity consumed so that it comprises at least 20% of electricity consumed in the state by 31 December 2014.

The legislation also commits the state government to work with business and the community to develop and put in place strategies to reduce greenhouse emissions and adapt to climate change. Resulting initiatives include climate change sector agreements and the Climate Change Adaptation Framework for South Australia.


Section 7 of the Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Act 2007 Open in new window also requires the Minister for Sustainability and Climate Change Open in new window to prepare a report on the operation of the Act on a two-yearly basis. The first report was required in 2009.

So, the second one is due by November 2011. Are there any public consultations??
Someone should ask the Minister for Sustainability and Climate Change. You know, this guy

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